
Every Wednesday 10 am - 11:30 am
(Term Time Only - see below)
£25.00 for 6 sessions
£5 per session - 6th one FREE! 
We are offering our Hackney Forest School inspired play and learn sessions. The sessions are for children aged 1.5 - 5 years old and their parents.
These sessions provide you time to spend and have fun with your child/children in a natural and outdoor environment with the HFS Lead. 
This a great opportunity for your children to connect and engage with nature through a variety of outdoor learning experiences including tree climbing, mud painting, den building, digging for bugs, fire-making and cooking.
Get your children to experience and embrace the outdoors and natural world.

Research shows that working together outdoors in a natural environment is beneficial to a sense of well-being, promotes self-confidence and self-esteem, and encourages the promotion of good communication and social skills.
What Do I Bring? 
Suitable outdoor clothing (long sleeved top/trouser) 
Suitable outdoor shoes (wellies, walking boots or old trainers) 
Water bottle for yourself & child/ren
Booking Information 
All registration for Forest School Play and Learn must be done prior to the Wednesday you wish to start. 
(We do not accept registration on the Wednesday you start)
Payments made via bank transaction (payment details will be provided on request)
Inquiries please contact:
FS Site Week
10 am - 11:30 am Sessions
These sessions are located in one of our Forest School spaces over Hackney marshes. 
The HFS Lead will be over the marshes setting up fun and exciting activities for children to get stuck in with you ready for 10am. 
10 am
Parents/carers can arrive and get stuck in straight away. 
You can use this time to get to know the HFS Lead and understand more about Forest School's ethos. 
11:15 am
HFS Lead will shout out "1, 2, 3 snack time" (healthy snacks provided by HFS Lead)
During this time everyone will sit down at base camp and enjoy a small snack and a story or singing or a special activity. 
11: 30 am 
HFS Lead will tidy up with the help of families. 
Those who are willing to stay can help HFS Lead to pull back the trolley to Clapton Park Children Centre. 
Trek Week
10:00 am - 11:30 am Sessions 
These sessions are more physical, involving small treks in and around the Forests and open spaces. 
The HFS Lead will have activities ready to get stuck in through out the walks. 
(To reassure you, the walks will be tailored on the day for the group depending on age of children)
10:00 am 
Meet outside Clapton Park Children Centre
10:15 am 
Forest Trek will begin with HFS Lead. 
11:15 am 
HFS Lead will gather everyone for a healthy snack (provided by HFS)
11:30 am 
Families and HFS Lead make their way back to Clapton Park Children Centre.